Custom Burgundian
This gown style began in mid-15th Century France. By the end of the 15th century, it could be seen in illuminations and portraits throughout Europe, with some regional variants. The version I make is based on the artwork of about 1460 France. The fabrics seen in the artwork include brocades and silks, and I also include a linen variant as it hangs and looks right while being a lot cooler for the wearer. These gowns were completely lined with fur, but as we live in a warmer climate, the fur is kept to the visible portions. The wide v-neck of the gown originated when women turned the neck of their fur-lined Houppelandes out. The fur of the collar is echoed at sleeve ends and hem. There is a black panel that is pinned inside the front that allows some adjustment of size.
The available variants of this gown include the cooler and more economical linen and velvet, to high-end brocades and real fur. You can customize yours with your selections above.
This gown does not come with the belt, as a reproduction belt would greatly increase the price. The proper reproduction hardware for the belt can be purchased at Armour and Castings. (opens a new tab)